Reduce or eliminate staff development for teachers -- $400,000
Reduce or eliminate funding for athletics or other extracurricular activities--$200,000
Reduce or eliminate mentoring or induction programs for new teachers--$300,000
Reduce maintenance and upkeep to schools and district grounds--$200,000
Reduce the number of site administrators across the board--$1,000,000
Suspend summer school and after school programs--$1,000,000
Close or consolidate schools with declining enrollment ($200,000/school) Two schools:--$400,000
Reduce school and central office budgets for materials and supplies--$100,000
Reduce the work year –$500,000 per day--$500,000
Reduce specialists in PE, Music, Arts, etc. at the elementary level--$2,500,000
Reduce district administration and restructure the central office – 10% reduction--$100,000
Increase class size (1 to 3 students):Per student:$1,000,000
Spend reserves and one-time funds to mitigate program and staffing cuts--$500,000
Discontinue the transfer of employee sick bank days--$50,000
Reduce or eliminate school nurses--$800,000
Increase employee furlough days (per day)--$500,000
Pass parcel tax of $100 per parcel--$3,600,000
Temporarily reduce all employee compensation by 1%--$1,000,000
Shorten the school year (up to 5 days) per day--$500,000