Friday, February 12, 2010


CTA President David A. Sanchez said teachers are supporting the Repeal Corporate Tax Loopholes Act because in these tough economic times everybody must be paying their fair share, and when big corporations are paying less, middle class families are paying more. (Lawmakers approved the $2 billion in tax breaks for large corporations and oil companies without any requirements for these companies to create new jobs. The tax breaks were negotiated in secret without any public hearings.)

CTA also now supports the Corporate Political Accountability Act, which would require companies to get stockholder approval on annual political spending budgets.

CTA opposes:
“Paycheck deception” measures called the Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act and the Public Employee Payroll Deduction Act (for again trying to silence the voices of union members – measures that California voters have already rejected twice, in 2005 and 1998.)
CTA also opposes the New Public Employees Benefits Reform Act for its attacks on the secure retirements of teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public employees, which will make it harder to recruit and retain quality educators in our schools.

The CTA delegates, interestingly, didn’t take a position on a proposed constitutional amendment to lower what it takes to pass a local parcel tax from the current two-thirds majority vote to 55 percent. The union has blessed the idea before.

Last week, the state PTA endorsed the parcel tax initiative and called on its local affiliates and all parents to help collect signatures to put it on the ballot.

By John Fensterwald on February 10th, 2010